There’s a sentence that says – “first impression is the most important thing”. The same thing goes for website speed optimization. Gone are those days when people were used to slow internet speed. Things have changed much since last decade. Hence, it’s the time for super fast internet connection.


In 2022, SpaceX founder Elon Musk brought the “Starlink” internet system. It is providing high-speed broadband across the globe. In a word, the whole internet system has been changed so much. Therefore, no excuse for the slow loading speeds of a site.


Low-speed sites are so disgusting and users tend to avoid them. Faster loading speed enhances smooth user experience. Thus, it increases user interaction, organic research, higher engagement rate, etc. So, it’s clear to see why website speed optimization is so crucial.


The Best Tips to Improve Website Speed


There’s no abracadabra formula to enhance the website speed. If you want to improve the website speed, you should follow some optimization tactics. Here, we’ll discuss the 5 best ways to improve website performance. Let’s take a look –


  1. Audit the Site Thoroughly


Before applying a big change on the site, it will be smarter to audit the site thoroughly to find the overall performance. For instance, you can use a free tool to check out the site’s performance. Additionally, it will show what changes you need to make.


You’ll also get recommendations on what improvement you need to implement to enhance the site. Get the data and match it with the real experience. Hence, do it from several devices and ensure how things are actually going on.


This is how you’ll get a clear picture of what’s actually going on and what changes you need to implement to speed up the site as well as its performance.


  1. Select the Best Hosting Provider


Generally, every user wants to choose a hosting provider that provides the best user experience. It’s common. Contrariwise, every hosting provider will tell you why they’re the best! But, it’s up to you to select the right one. It’s your task to check out the features and other advantages.


Moreover, you can also check out the customer reviews to get the proper idea. After a deep research, make the decision and purchase the best one. A good hosting provider can supply a better speed optimization.


  1. Decrease the Number of Plugins


Plugins are quite common on websites. Almost all the websites in the world contain various types of plugins. Besides, they provide added features and advantages to a website that is generally supplied by third parties. However, the more plugins you install, websites will get slower.


They will make a negative impact on the website’s speed and performance. So, if the site appears slow, lessened the unwanted plugins from it.






  1. Optimize the Images


The file size of the sites have a deep impact on the site’s speed. Hence, the file size can increase deeply if the image size is higher. So, you should shrink the image to fasten up the speed of the site. Further, you can use an image optimization plugin to do it flexibly.


  1. Choose a Simple Theme


What’s the main base of a site? It is obviously the theme. You should pick a lighter and simple theme to do the job. Further, it also provides a massive flexibility in site’s design.




It’s a common thing that if a user feels frustrated with your site, he/she will move on immediately. So, website speed optimization is crucial. There’s no point of negligence. Currently, 3 seconds is the normal time frame to load a site. If your site takes more time, it means you need to take action.


We hope our article will help you to find out what action should be taken. Thanks for reading.


Meta – Our website speed optimization guide will help you to know what actions should be taken to speed up a website. Let’s take a look and find out the right one –


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